Fall is wonderful in New York. It was perfect weather. In fact, this year, it was abnormally warm all the way to the end of October.
I found these next two photos on my phone. The boys figured out how to take pictures using the timer. I love them so much.
Little Maya is usually always where the people are in right in the middle of all the action. Unless she is sneaking and being mischievous. I found her all quiet and sneaking raisins!
I also found this wonderful photo on my phone. Selfie from Levi. Love it!
Our garden did produce! We harvested tons of tomatoes mostly. Our zucchini died early in the summer from tube worms. I believe we got 2 fruits from it. The cucumbers were so delicious. But, they too soon died from a worm or fungus. The tomatoes and bell peppers were the most plentiful. I was excited about the carrots. When I checked them out they were about 1-1.5 inches wide. I thought we had let them overgrow and would have monster sized carrots. I was quite astonished when I dug them up and they were wider than long. It made for a good laugh.

Here is sad little Maya with a big gash across the bottom of her chin. I was in my bedroom getting ready in the morning when I heard and big thud and immediately a "hurt" cry from Maya. Levi quickly told me she had fallen off his bed and hit her chin on the side of Malachi's wooden bed frame. I believed him and thought for a sec that Maya is usually very agile and has never fallen off anything, but here she was clearly hurt. I put what I thought was "liquid stitches" to glue it shut. We didn't have a band-aid so we drove to the pharmacy at the top of the street to get some. I put Maya in the seat of the cart while I looked at bandages. While I had my back turned, Levi stepped on the cart and tipped it completely over. Maya landed on her face with the cart of top of her. I felt so bad.
At the end of the day Levi confessed to me that Maya had not really fallen off his bed and gotten hurt. He told me he had tried to throw Maya from the top of his bed 3 feet over to the top of Malachi's bed. She obviously didn't make it. I was proud of Levi for telling me the truth. When Adrian got home I learned the "liquid stitches" I applied was not the right thing, but her laceration healed up just fine anyway.
Levi on the first of 1st grade. He was excited to go to school. His teacher was Mrs. Bergersen and she was really great.
Malachi was so good to play with Maya while Levi was at school. Maya did not understand where Levi went. She would stand at the bottom of the stairs and holler for Levi.
Malachi learned how to ride his bike without training wheels right after school started. He got lots of practice riding to and from school. He was determined to learn how and tried until he finally succeeded.
It was hard to get rid of the bottle with Maya. I had nursed her exclusively for 9 months, then I nursed her and gave her whole milk in a bottle until she was a year old. I tried to get rid of the bottle around a year old, but she wouldn't take a sip cup. I felt like I had just gotten her to take a bottle and now I was trying to get rid of it. I finally heard an idea to give half her milk in her bottle and half in a sip cup. She toted both around everywhere she went. The trick worked and we soon tossed the bottles out.
Playing dress up in old Halloween costumes.
Maya loves to dress up clothes and put on all sorts of shoes. Levi loves to play with her. They are both silly and goofy together.
Maya hates her hair combed. This particular day she was shaking her vigorously and doing everything in her power for me not to comb her hair. I finally said "You comb your hair then" and handed her the comb. She got this triumphant look on her face and gracefully took the comb from me and attempted to comb her own hair. Already very independent.
Love to swing at the park.
I'm very impressed at her strength. She was able to hold her own weight up.
Backyard fires and s'more roasting. Always fun and enjoyable.
Maya's always being silly.
Levi's 1st grade school picture. Loved the picture, but not the price of buying them. I snapped a photo of the demo picture. Love it, and love him.
Riding bikes is a favorite pastime.
Malachi got a new bigger bike!
Hiking and riding bikes in Camusett State Park. Tried to catch the fall colors, but missed them by a few weeks.
Trying on Papa's hat.
Adrian walking by Washington Square Arch on his way to work.
Levi lost his two front teeth just in time for Christmas! He was so afraid of the pain from having them pulled that Adrian numbed them up before he yoinked them out. Talk about spoiled.
This is Maya's "yucky" face. She pulled it every time she had stinky bum.
Trying on Mama's big fuzzy socks.
Here's the only picture we got from Thanksgiving. We got together with friends to enjoy the feast.All resident families. I was put in charge of cooking the turkey for the first time in my life. Adrian thought a turkey heart direction was appropriate for the boys. I was surprised to find out that they thought it was fascinating.
We visited the Long Island Aquarium during the Thanksgiving break. Here we are at the shark tank. Levi absolutely loves sharks. They are his favorite of all things.
I thought I should document how we travel to and from school. We ride our bikes, weather permitting. The boys ride their bikes and I pull Maya in a trailer behind my bike. We were able to ride our bikes clear up until the Christmas Holiday break. We just bundled up in the cold.
Maya loves to play. She also loves music and to sing.

Here's a personal update as of 9-24-17
Maya: 18 Months
- Walking, running, climbing, very agile
- talks, jibber jabbers, says mama, papa, brother
- When Levi's at school she puts her hands up and says "Where's brother"?
- Understands well. Remembers proper places of things. Able to communicate needs.
- Loves to dance. She bounces, jumps, spins. Will drag me by the hand to turn on music. When she dances one of her moves is to get on all 4's with 1 leg in the air. She is copying Levi's hand stands.
- Likes to sing. Will sing "I will go, I will do". Sings Lion Guard song.
- Eats well. Fruits, veggies, most everything.
- Lots of teeth. Missing 4. Brushes teeth.
- Drinks milk in bottle and sippy. Now does cold milk.
- Loves bath. Stands whole time. Dislikes water over face.
- Likes to scribble and color.
- Loves to be outside. Loves to go for walks.
- Loves popsicles, gets excited when she gets one, just like the boys do.
- Prefers Mama over Papa
- Gives everyone a kiss goodnight. Says "nigh nigh" and waves.
- Handful at church. Doesn't like to be left alone in nursery.
- Hair getting long.
- Likes to race. says "Go".
- kneels, folds arms, bows head when praying
- size 18 Month clothes, size 5 shoe
- sleeps 11-12 hours at night. takes one 2 hour nap
- So beautiful and fun
- Gets upset, throws things, stomps feet, falls on bum, kicks legs, says "Ehhh"
- Brings everyone their shoes.
- Thinks every phone call is Papa. Expects to always see him as if we're video calling every time. Yells Papa into the phone.
- Sucks right thumb. At same time sticks left hand down pants.
- retells stories of when she gets "bumped" and hurt over and over.
Levi: 6 years 4 months
- 1st grade with Mrs. Bergersen
- Finished reading lessons. Reading books.
- Quick with math
- Saw neurologist. Diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1. Getting MRI soon.
- Likes toy guns.
- Likes sharks.
- Good eater. Always saying "I'm hungry". Favorite food is strawberries
- So fun. Easily excited.
- Dislikes cats and dogs. Wants a pet corn snake.
- Good helper with Maya.
- Got a new bike that's bigger. Minions.
- Constant potty jokes. I try to wash his mouth out. Doesn't work.
- Loves paper airplanes.
- likes to color, paint, create things.
- Asks lots of questions and "what if's"
- Loves backyard fires, stores, pancakes
- Struggles with betting at night
- Always taking pictures and videos on my phone
- Gets nervous to meet new people and in new situations
- Loves to wrestle with Adrian
- Loves the pool, park and beach
Malachi: 4 years 6 months
- likes to try to kiss me on the lips
- We go back and forth saying "I love you more" then the other person says "I love you most"
- whines alot
- picky eater. Eats applesauce, sandwiches and pancakes
- Excited for preschool
- started reading lessons
- very organized
- independent
- needs/likes to snuggle
- likes superman
- good to play and help with Maya
- enjoys to sing
- wants a dog
- wants to go to Cedar frequently
- Trying to exercise 3x's a week. Have to sneak downstairs very quietly in the morning.
- feel more energetic, slightly slimmer
- Get frustrated at the constant refereeing of the boys
- new calling. Primary 2nd counsellor
- wasn't excited at first, but ok now
- Very routine life. clean, school, shop, library
- Get a crafty itch every few months
- enjoy NY climate.
- Feel a great parenting burden. Feel like I'm not doing well enough
- dealing with lots of crickets in the house
- Counting down the days until done with residency
- feels like work and people he deals with are not enjoyable
- always tired
- Elders quorum president. Busy, great spiritual experiences
- wants to exercise, but no time
- car troubles. Mini needed a new computer system
- mosquitoes are drawn to him and he reacts bad to bites
- new hobby. gardening. learned a lot