Sunday, February 24, 2013


Wow, another month just about gone. It's very surprising at how fast time goes and even how fast life moves.  February has been a good month. Not too much change from the normal routine. 

Levi and Carson surprise me everyday at how much they are learning. Levi is getting creative and starting to imagine things when he plays. Here the boys built a "road" for their cars.
 I stopped babysitting Carson about a week ago. It's getting harder to keep up with just Levi alone. I feel so big and tend to just want to sit around. Sometimes I feel bad for Levi because I don't get down on the floor and play with him as often as I used to or chase him around like before. 

He loves his homemade games of playing of with pom poms, pipe cleaners, craft beads and juice can lids. 

 Levi is getting really good at entertaining himself lately. He'll putt around doing his own thing for a while. I do like to play with him and feel bad when I leave him alone for too long. He also loves to watch Mickey Mouse so I'll let him watch an episode or two a day. Usually in the evening when I'm preparing dinner. I have noticed that he's quite grumpy after he watches tv so I'd rather he didn't watch anything at all. But, he always asks me if he can watch Mickey and I always give in.

Levi gets bored of being in the house all day. I don't blame him. We both have spring fever and want to be running around outside. If the temperature is above 40 we usually go out and play for just a bit.  

Adrian found some apps for Levi. He's only played games a couple times and he loves it. He's also started to prefer to have no clothes on

 Levi loves to play in the hamper.

I made some sugar cookies and Levi licked the beaters after for a good 20 minutes. He got every last bit of dough off those things. It took some good convincing initially to get him to even lick the beater, but I think he'll take after me and like the dough more than the cookies themselves. 

He has to try on every shoe he sees.

 We had a snowstorm, the biggest one we have experienced in Missouri. We got about 5-6 inches of snow. It was windy so the snow was quite drifty. The city declared a snow emergency before the first flake even fell. Schools were cancelled and businesses closed early, all for just 5 inches of snow!!

Levi loves to help Adrian shovel the snow. As long as he can stay in the garage out of the bitter wind!

We did celebrate Valentines. The school had a valentine couples event we attended. We also enjoyed some heart shaped pancakes and strawberry pastries. 

The only other thing going on this month was we all caught colds. We're not too sick. Just runny/stuffy noses and an occasional cough.

Here I am this morning at 37.5 weeks. I'm getting nervous and keep thinking of how much I enjoy my sleep right now!! I'm not ready to feel exhausted all day long. I know that's really selfish of me, but I'm complacent with my routine right now. Maybe that's why this babe is coming now, to keep change in my life and for me to keep growing and learning.
I really feel great. I feel big and feel like I waddle everywhere, but that's expected. My right hip was hurting me for a time. I was having really sharp pains especially when I laid down or tried to roll over in bed. But, thanks to Adrian's magnificent OMM skills, he has been able to keep me pain free for the last week!!! I feel so much better after he treats me. I'm so glad he's in a DO med school.

I've finally got everything ready for the baby. Bed's up, clothes are in the dresser, hospital bag is packed, car seat in the car and all I have left to do is make sure my house is clean for when my parents come to help. Only 2.5 weeks left before the arrival of the 3rd Tinajero boy in the fam :)

Here's the little man today before church. Adrian got out the camera to take a pic of me and Levi just kept saying "cheese", so we had to snap some pictures of his cuteness.


  1. Ok... Levi is such a cute kid! What a sweet personality, and sooo handsome!

  2. SO for some reason your blog hasn't been in my feed for months! I thought you gave up blogging. Imagine my surprise when I paid a visit and saw that you are a GREAT blogger and I've been missing out for forever! (not happy about that) I am just finding out you are pregnant! You are seriously so cute!!! And Levi has gotten so big and is cuter than ever!! Can't even handle the cuteness! I am adding this blog to my feed right NOW! Can't miss another post!
