I enjoyed fall so much here. It lasted several months and cooled down pleasantly, but was not cold. Being in Florida for a year it seemed we were stuck in the summer season for 18 months. The cool air felt refreshing and life felt like it was progressing again. With no change in season for so long, it felt like life was at a standstill.
I never go to garage sales, but we happened to pass one on a walk one day and I picked up the Mousetrap game for one dollar. The boys love playing it
With the beautiful weather we hit the parks and thoroughly enjoyed being outside. These kids love the swing. Here you can see the red tint in Maya's hair. This is at the park that we walk to by our house.
Bethpage State Park has an awesome playground and paved bike trails we like.
We went to the Hartford Connecticut Temple open house. It was a 2 hour drive. Levi made things exciting and threw up in the car on the way there.
The rolling hills in Connecticut are absolutely stunning with fall colors. I have never seen anything like it before. Just as far as the eye can see rolling hills of fall colored leaves. It made my heart happy. That was one thing we missed being in Florida.
Levi goes to school for six hours a day. That leaves me, Malachi and Maya some time at home. It's a different dynamic at home without Levi. When Maya naps I always try to give Malachi some one on one time. That is the only one on one time he ever gets. We do lessons, play games and read books.
Malachi and Maya get along well. He really watches out for her and helps her be happy.
For Halloween the boys wanted to be spooky ghosts. I made them some ghost poncho costumes, which they thought were awesome.
The church had a Halloween trunk or treat. We decked out the back of our truck as a spooky campsite. We put the backpacking tent in the back of the truck and put a mummy inside. We had other camp and accessories and covered everything in cobwebs. We ended up winning the award for the best decorated trunk.
We carved pumpkins for the kids. It had been a long while since Adrian was able to carve pumpkins with us. It was a beautiful afternoon and we sat outside and carved pumpkins.
Levi had no problem getting messy. Malachi was a bit more hesitant. The kids get so excited with simple traditions.
We went trick-or-treating after school. Adrian had to work. We just went around the block, it took less than an hour. The boys had a lot of fun and were so excited for their goodies. They enjoyed just as much to hand out candy to the few trick-or-treaters we had.
Maya started crawling and pulling herself up to standing in October. There was no stopping her. She wanted to go go go with her brothers.
Maya started to really cling to her teddy bear. She snuggles it when she sleeps. It is her soothing security item. She loves to feel it on her face.
Here is Malachi proud of the tower he built all by himself.
Malachi still loves his snuggles. He snuggled up to Adrian on the backyard swing.
Malachi working hard to rake the leaves while Levi is at school.
The school had the best pile of leaves to play in.
Maya's first time with bubbles. That face is fooling. She generally dislikes the bath. I think what she does not like is water on her face.
Christmas tree light glow!
Levi got strep throat in the fall. No surprise since he was exposed to it so much at school. But he had his throat swell up big again like it did last April. Adrian ordered antibiotics and I took him into the doctor. She sent him immediately to a pediatric ENT. Turns out Levi had a thyroglossal duct cyst. Basically the thyroglossal duct is supposed to disappear in utero, but it did not for Levi. When he gets a throat infection this duct also gets infected and swells up with puss. The ENT wants to surgically remove the duct because it may just keep getting infected. We are still not sure if we want to have the surgery done.
For Thanksgiving we got together with the Christensen's and the Olson's at the Christiansen's house. The Olson's had extended family in town so there were a bunch of people there. It was fun to have a big gathering. It was a little bit chaotic with lots of people and lots of food. Which to me feels just like a holiday at home with family. It was a good time. We have been on our own so much for holidays that a big chaotic gathering felt just like the way a holiday should be.