Spring in Kirksville was a wet one. It seemed like we got rain about 4 days a week starting in April until we left in mid June. It actually made for perfect temperatures to play outside in. And with the rain came puddles. We got Levi some water shoes just because he was always getting in the puddles in his sandals and they took forever to dry.
Check out the happiness a rain puddle brings this boy. This puddle was always here, it was the deepest one and just when it was about to dry up the rain would fill it up again. It even had a swamp stink smell to it.
Besides splashing in it, Levi liked to throw rocks in it, ride his bike in it and push the stroller in and out of it.
We were never able to make it to the pool in Kirksville because I did not think I could handle both kids there by myself. So, the next best thing was getting the sprinkler out. Levi never seemed to play in the water, but he played with it. He would hold the sprinkler and get things wet.
Here he is checking out a worm. Levi said the worm came up for a drink.
After we moved to Utah we went down to Cedar to visit my family. We had not been to Cedar or seen most of my family in a year. We had a really really fun time. Levi keeps asking me to go to grandma's house. I agree with him, it's more fun there than it is here.
We went to the Canyon Park and played in water. Levi loved the water. He mostly picked rocks out of the water and threw them back in. We also floated my shoes down the stream.
We spent a day with our niece Abby and her sister Ellie. We took them all to the aquatic center. Levi had the most fun jumping off the side into the pool and going completely under and having us pull him out. They also had a kid area there he enjoyed playing on. Malachi missed out on the pool action, but he got some quality time with aunt Cari.
While in Cedar we went to the Independence Day Parade, for a minute that is. After about 15 minutes Levi told me he was all done and wanted to go home, so we did. I could tell he was not into any of it anyway. After the parade we went up the mountain to our family's ranch. Levi loved riding the 4 wheelers and spending time at the lake. He saw so many animals and got to go fishing with grandpa. He had been asking to go fishing with grandpa for about 3 months. He then spent the rest of the day in aunt Stacia's trailer enjoying opening and shutting the door.
Adrian and I had so much up the mountain. Mountains are the one thing we missed in Missouri. We enjoyed a yummy dutch over dinner complete with cobbler and homemade ice cream.
Levi loved the fireworks in the sky. He loved how they popped. He was not into sparklers much but he got really excited every time we got pop its out.
While in Cedar we blessed Malachi in my parent's ward. Adrian did a wonderful job with the blessing. My whole family came for the blessing and it was the first time in a year we were all together.
We got Levi's swimming pool out and he and Adrian took a dip. The weather was 100 degrees and the water felt refreshing. I have never seen Adrian cheese it like in this picture, but he looks just like Levi when Levi is having a good time.
Here they are blowing bubbles.
This is how Malachi spent his time next to the pool.